Love and Chocolate (Chip Cookies)


Valentine's Day is one of those holidays that either warms up your February or is one you ignore with all your might. I'm definitely a warmed by person.

I love having little days of celebration without the pomp and circumstance- and dishes- of Thanksgiving and Christmas.

To celebrate the day of love, I typically send my husband, Shelby, to work with a heart shaped sandwich and end the evening over a candlelight dinner- one of the only times we eat romantically at the table.

This year I am honoring chocolate's favorite day with a fresh batch of chocolate chip cookies. And because food is my FAVORITE thing to photograph, they enjoyed their close-up before being divided up between friends and family.

I loved experimenting with shapes, color, and texture, adding complexity as I went along.


I used bud vases to add layers and ended up with a very “artsy” type of shot that I don’t normally go for. Sometimes it’s fun to try on a new style!


I wish you a delightful Valentine’s Day full of love, chocolate, flowers, and anything else that you admire most!


Lemon Cookies, Smiles, and Entrepreneurialism


2019: Joy